Sarraty – Business Theme Free Download

About the Sarraty – Business Theme

(Theme Options). – Add “Include Elementor Page Builder” setting (Theme Options). – Add “Include WooCommerce” setting (Theme Options).
Our theme is 100% responsive and Retina ready, so all your content will look crisp and sharp no matter what device it’s viewed on. With our revolutionary drag & drop page builder, you can easily customize any aspect.


Of your website. Choose from unlimited colors and fonts, or take advantage of the advanced option panel. Additionally, our theme includes a Mega Menu (no plugins needed), wide & boxed layouts, tons of powerful shortcodes, all Google Fonts, posts formats,.



  • 100% Responsive Design
  • Retina Ready
  • WooCommerce
  • Mega Menu ( No Plugins Needed )
  • Wide & Boxed layouts
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder
  • Unlimited Colors & Fonts
  • Advanced Option Panel
  • Translation & WPML Ready
  • Revolution Slider (15$)
  • Fontawesome Vector Icons (For Retina Display)
  • Tons of powerful Shortcodes
  • All Google Fonts Included
  • Posts Formats
  • Touch Friendly
  • XML Demo Data included (doesn’t include menus, sidebars and sliders)


Version 4.77 – 22 Jul. 2021

– Include Revolution Slider Update v6.5.5.

– Include WPBakery Page Buider Update v6.7.0.

– Fix Gallery Post format.

– Compatibility with WP 5.8.

– Compatibility with Woocommerce 5.5.1.

Version 4.76 – 11 Apr. 2021

– Include Revolution Slider Update v6.4.6.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update v6.6.0.

– Compatibility with WP 5.6.

– Compatibility with PHP8.

– Fix Save Theme Options issue.

– Minor Fixes.

Version 4.75 – 6 Dec. 2020

– Add “Use Original WPBakery Page Builder Row Settings” setting.

– Include Revolution Slider Update v6.3.2.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update v6.4.2.

– Minor Fixes.

Version 4.74 – 22 Aug. 2020

– Fix Controls buttons issue.

– Compatibility with WP 5.5.

– Compatibility with Woocommerce 4.4.1.

– Include Revolution Slider Update v6.2.22.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update v6.3.0.

Version 4.73 – 24 Jul. 2020

– Fix Custom CSS Classes menu option issue.

– Include Revolution Slider Update v6.2.17.

Version 4.72 – 12 Jul. 2020

– Fix WPBakery Page Builder Row Settings issue.

– Include Slider Revolution Update v6.2.15.

– Add Images Lazy Load Option for Better Performance.

– Add Iframes Lazy Load Option for Better Performance.

– Minor Fixes.

Version 4.71 – 28 May. 2020

– Fix issue with breadcrumb.

– Include Slider Revolution Update v6.2.10.

Version 4.70 – 13 May. 2020

– Compatibility with WordPress 5.4+.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder Update v6.2.0.

– Include Slider Revolution Update v6.2.6.

Version 4.60 – 27 Dec. 2019

– Include WPBakery Page Builder Update v6.1.

Version 4.59 – 23 Nov. 2019

– Fix Clients grid issue.

– Fix other projects issue.

– Minor fixes.

Version 4.58 – 21 Nov. 2019

– Include Slider Revolution update v6.1.5.

– Fix project sidebar position.

– Fix tabs content.

– Improve loading Javascript files.

– Improve Twitter feeds plugin for better loading.

– Minor fixes.

Version 4.57 – 24 Oct. 2019

– Create Sarraty Core plugin for Themeforest rules.

– Improve compatibility with Gutenberg

– Include Slider Revolution update v6.0.7.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder update v6.0.5.

– Compatibility with Woocommerce 3.7+.

– Add Social Links widget.

– Minor fixes.

Version 4.56 – 12 Sept. 2018

– Fix Mega menu issue.

– Fix Twitter connection issue.

– Include Slider Revolution update v5.4.8.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder update v5.5.4.

– Compatibility with Woocommerce 3.4+.

Version 4.55 – 28 Apr. 2018

– Fix Contact Form script issue.

– Add option to set tags to show on portfolio pages.

– Include Slider Revolution update v5.4.7.3.

Version 4.54 – 13 Apr. 2018

– Major improvments to mobile menu.

– Imorovements of tabs style at menu.

– Include Revolution Slider plugin update v.

– Include WPBakery Page Builder plugin update v. 5.4.7.

Version 4.53 – 17 Feb. 2018

– Include Slider Revolution update v5.4.7.1.

– Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.0+.

– Improvements in Pricing Features adding tool style.

– Fix Cart Totals style issue when Cross sells exist.

– Fix Insert Shortcodes button issue.

– Enable Re-ordering Pricing Features in post options.

– Add Dropdown to set block width.

– Minor improvements and fixes.

Version 4.52 – 15 Jan. 2018

– Include Visual Composer update v5.4.5.

– Include Slider Revolution update v5.4.6.4.

– Update tgm for installing plugins.

– Improve mobile menu.

– Minor improvements and fixes.

Version 4.51 – 18 Nov. 2017

– Include WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update v 5.4.4.

Version 4.50 – 15 Nov. 2017

– Include WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) Update v 5.4.3.

– Include Revolution Slider Update v

Version 4.49 – 14 Nov. 2017

– Add Typography Settings.

– Major imrpovements in Sliders Demo for mobile.

– Fix header info in mobile.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.48 – 4 Nov. 2017

– Include Revolution Slider v5.4.6.2.

– Include Visual Composer v5.4.2.

– Update Fontawesome tp v4.7

– Add Iconpicker tool to Visual Composer blocks.

– Add option to set external links for images at Visual Composer blocks.

– Fix Alertbox block at Visual Composer.

– Fix tab title issue at Visual Composer.

– Fix container padding in Visual Composer.

– Add Sliding Share Bar to options.

– Add Visual Composer Templates.

– Major improvements in import demo.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.47 – 18 July 2017

– Include Revolution Slider v5.4.5.1.

– Include Visual Composer v5.2.

– Compatibility with WordPress 4.8.

– Compatibility with Woocommerce 3.1.1.

– Fix video link issue.

– Include target option in clients carousel.

– Add category to postlist widget.

– Add One Click Demo Import plugin support for better importing.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.46 – 20 December 2016

– Fix Menu at mobile.

– Fix Header Custom Code.

– Add option to include default fonts locally.

– Include Revolution Slider v5.3.0.

– Include Visual Composer v5.0.1.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.45 – 29 September 2016

– Improve Menu at mobile.

– Improve Pricing tables at mobile.

– Add Category option to Bloglist Block and Shortcode.

– Add Read more text option to Bloglist Block and Shortcode.

– Include Visual Composer v4.12.1.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.44 – 4 September 2016

– Fix Video Background issue at Visual Composer.

– Fixes at Woocomerce template style.

– Fix extra space on pages at mobile.

– Fix one column portfolio element at tablet issue.

– Add option to display services with images only.

– Improve Breadcrumbs.

– Compitibility with WordPress 4.6.

– Compitibility with Woocommerce 2.6.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.43 – 28 July 2016

– Add option to replace Project word (plural and single).

– Add option to replace Project Overview pharse and Project Details pharse.

– Add option to replace project slug in url.

– Add option to remove colon from header contact info.

– Fix social share style at single post.

– Fix Youtube video output at video shortcode (changed from http:// to

– Add Menu word to mobile menu button.

– Fix Go To Top position to show in front of other elements.

– Fix price packages features issue to be written in other encoding.

– Include Visual Composer update (v4.12) requires deactivating before update.

– Include Revolution Slider update (v5.2.6).

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.42 – 17 May 2016

– Add Option to add Custom Featured Image for Single Project Page.

– Add Option to change Search bar text at search form.

– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 4.41 – 11 May 2016

– Include Revolution Slider V5.2.5.1..

– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 4.4 – 27 April 2016

– Compatibility with WordPress 4.5.

– Include Visual Composer v4.11.2.1 (Deactivate plugin before updating.).

– Include Slider Revolution v5.2.5.

– Add Blog Description Length option..

– Add Blog Description read more text..

– Add Option to change header opacity. (needs CSS3 transparency enabled).

– Add Option to change Menu Dropdown Opacity.

– Add Sticky Footer for short content as option.

– Fix Tabs and Toggles at MegaMenu.

– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 4.23 – 1 April 2016

– Major Visual Composer Improvements.

– Sticky Footer for short content.

– Add Description to Team Members.

– Include Visual Composer Update to Version 4.11.1 (Deactivate plugin before updating.).

– Include Slider Revolution Update to Version

– Minor Fixes and Improvements.

Version 4.22 – 18 February 2016

– Fixed: Revolution Slider Shortcode issues.

– Fixed: Retina Logo issues.

– Fixed: Shortcode Ultimate Plugin issues.

– Updated: Visual Composer 4.10 version (Deactivate plugin before updating.)

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.21 – 1 February 2016

– Updated: Support Woocommerce 2.5.

– Added: Option to show/hide mega menu at pages/posts.

– Minor fixes and improvements.

Version 4.20 – 19 January 2016

– Updated: WordPress Post Formats.

– Fixed: WooCommerce template issues.

Version 4.10 – 17 January 2016

– Added: Non-linkable option (Menu title) to mega menu.

– Fixed: Mega menu issues.

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 4.0 – 22 November 2015

– Added: Support WordPress 4.4.

– Added: Standard blog post show featured image in blog page.

– Added: Mega menu via WordPress default menu.

– Updated: TGM Plugin updated.

– Fixed: Comments layout issue.

– Fixed: Importer issue fixed.

– Improved: Many style improvements.

– Improved: Old mega menu improvements.

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 3.0 – 22 November 2015

– Added: All blocks are now available in shortcodes too.

– Added: Visual Composer page builder included.

– Added: Blocks available in visual composer.

– Added: New version of Slider Revolution plugin.

– Fixed: Prettyphoto security issue fixed.

– Fixes: Shortcodes conflict with shortcode ultimate.

– Fixes: Significant bug and security fixes.

– Fixed: Demo importer to import demo content with one click.

– Fixed: Security and vulnerability fixes.

– Updated: Admin panel updated and improved.

– Updated: Widget updated to new WordPress rules.

– Improved: Page builder improved.

– Improved: Many style improvements.

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.0 – 8 April 2015

– Added: Demo importer to import demo content with one click.

– Added: New version of Slider Revolution plugin

– Improved: Functions improved to work perfect with child theme

– Fixed: Responsive design issue.

– Fixed: Issue of long menu text goes out the menu.

– Fixed: top header bar with social icons and contact info disappear on mobile

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.70 – 26 may 2014

– Fixed: light box not centered in boxed version.

– Fixed: checkbox doesn’t work

– Fixed: sticky header doesn’t work in boxed version.

– Fixed: Pinterest share doesn’t grap the project photo

– Added: option to hide portfolio filter

– Added: option to disable prettyphoto

– Added: mail address and linkedin to team member

– Modified: action button block is now resizable

Version 1.60 – 14 April 2014

– Fixed: Third level menu arrow wrong direction.

– Fixed: More than third lever menu doesn’t work.

– Fixed: The word “search” in search form disappear when start typitng.

Version 1.50 – 7 April 2014

– Added: Child theme added to the package.

Version 1.50 – 1 April 2014

– Added: Shortcode ultimate: container and sidebar shortcodes added.

– Fixed: Main menu hide behind portfolio projects in boxed mode.

– Fixed: Project options upload button doesn’t work.

– Fixed: Project page custom title banner doesn’t appear.

Version 1.40 – 26 March 2014

– Improved: Theme Header.

– Added: Option to create gradient transparent header by CSS3 .

– Added: Option to change site elements color individually .

– Added: Options to set footer with 3 columns only.

– Added: Options to customisze sticky header.

– Added: Option to disable mega menu.

– Fixed: Header contact mail mailto url.

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.30 – 20 March 2014

– Added: Option to set projects number per portfolio page.

– Added: Option to set default project thumbnail size.

– Fixed: Contact icons display even if no contact info.

– Fixed: Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.20 – 17 March 2014

– Added: WPML language switcher to header and footer.

– Added: RTL support (carousel still needs improvent).

– Fixed: Related projects divider shadow image not found.

– Fixed: Main menu hidden under revolutions slider.

– Improved: WooCommerce style issues.

– Updated: Language files updated.

Version 1.11 (package updated) – 14 March 2014

– Updated: Import demo data video tutorial added to documentations.

Version 1.11 – 12 March 2014

– Fixed: Theme shows syntax error in some servers.

– Fixed: Social icons doesn’t show the correct link.

Version 1.1 – 12 March 2014

– Fixed: Shopping cart responsive issue.

– Improved: Responsive mega menu.

– Added: Option to use video background in page title banner.

– Added: Use file uploaded to post options instead of pasting image url.

– Added: New import data file for importing theme options and mega menu.

Version 1.0

– Initial Release.

Sarraty – Business Theme demo is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.

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