About the Paint – Painting Company WordPress Theme
04 – version 1.0 * First release!This Interior Architecture WordPress theme is perfect for any business in the interior design, building services, property maintenance, construction, ceiling, interior decoration, interior & exterior designing, plumbing, plastering, handyman, carpentry, painting contractor, electrician, renovation, remodeling services.
This Interior Architecture WordPress theme fits businesses websites of interior designing, building services, property maintenance, construction, ceiling, interior decoration, interior & exterior designing, plumbing, plastering, handyman, carpentry, painting contractor, electrician, renovation, remodeling services, etc. This fully customizable Minimalist Architecture Theme has Mega Menu & tons of shortcodes for high customization.
Here are some of the features
- Awesome Gradient Color Scheme
- Tons of Shortcodes
- Twitter feeds, Newsletter Subscription
- Fully customizable Megamenu
- Option to get quote for packages
- Lot of shortcodes
- Blog section with isotope and grid layout
- Appointment Section
- Portfolio with default pagination and ajax load more option
- Woocommerce support
NOTE: Images used in the demo are not included in download, these images are copyrighted, if you are planning to use the photos we can provide the links to buy license.
* Painting – Responsive WordPress Theme Change log *
2023.06.03 – version 3.3
* Compatible with WordPress 6.2 * Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions * Compatible with PHP 8.2 version * Fixed: Booking Form Issues
2022.12.29 – version 3.2
* Compatible with WordPress 6.1 * Compatible with latest WooCommerce versions * Compatible with PHP 8.1 version * Updated: All premium plugins
2022.03.02 – version 3.1
* Fixed Kirki Customizer Issue
2021.01.28 – version 3.0
* Lightbox script update
2021.01.07 – version 2.9
* Unyson demo content install fix
2020.12.10 – version 2.8
* Compatible with wordpress 5.6 * Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.09.09 – version 2.7
* Compatible with wordpress 5.5.1 * Updated: Coming soon enabled sticky menu issue * Updated: Notice errors * Updated: Fatal error on other theme activation * Updated: Dashboard notice errors * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Site Loader updated * Updated: Menu fullwidth issue * Updated: Header type4 responsive design issue * Updated: Outdated woocommerce files issue
2020.08.20 – version 2.6
* Compatible with wordpress 5.5
2020.02.06 – version 2.5 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Compatible with wordpress 5.3.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts
2019.11.20 – version 2.4 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Updated WordPress Standards * Gutenberg Update * Other Minor Fixes
2019.11.06 – version 2.3 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Skin options added
2019.10.25 – version 2.2 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Compatible with latest Gutenberg editor * Updated: All premium plugins
2019.09.16 – version 2.1 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Updated all wordpress theme standards * Compatible with wordpress 5.2.3 * Compatible with latest Gutenberg editor * Updated: All premium plugins
2019.08.19 – version 2.0 (For new users, the newly built visual composer demo contents version painting.zip)
* Major update of Painting theme. * All the demo contents updated to Visual Composer modules * Reservation removed from themes files and added as a separate plugin. * Compatible with wordpress 5.0 * Gutenberg compatible updated * Clients please do not upload the new version painting theme or plugin files to your exisiting painting old version, since the site will crash. If you need to continue with your old version, we have provided the old version separately please use those files. If you need to go with the new visual composer version, you need to install it in a fresh site. * Compatible with wordpress 5.2.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Added: Online documentation link, check readme file
2019.08.19 – version 1.8.1 (For old themes users who wish to continue with the page builder version please use painting-old.zip)
* Updated all third party plugins.
Changelog : 2019.03.27 – version 1.8
* Fixed Mailchimp Issue * Fixed Jquery warning * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
2018.12.25 – version 1.7
* Latest wordpress version 5.0.2 compatible * Updated latest version of all third party plugins
Change Log : 2018.09.28 – version 1.6
* Packed with the latest version of BuddhaThemes Core Shortcode Plugins, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer, Layer Slider and Revolution Slider. * Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8. * GDPR update. * Some Design Tweaks. * Documentation updated
2018.05.19 – version 1.5
* Updated dummy data * WordPress 4.9.6 compatible * Updated all third party plugins * Fix - Unyson page builder conflicts with "Visual Composer" and "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - All theme functions updated for child theme support * Fix - Option for change the site title color * Fix - Add target attribute for social media * Fix - PO File updated. * Fix - Nav Menu compatibility * Fix - Menu disable link design issue * Fix - Bundled with updated woocommerce file * Fix - Twitter link added.
2017.05.25 – version 1.4
* Updated dummy data * WordPress 4.7.5 compatible * WooCommerce 3.0.7 compatible * Packed with Layer Slider 6.4.0 * Packed with Revolution Slider 5.4.1
2017.03.29 – version 1.3
* WordPress 4.7.3 compatible * Fixed appointment template issue * Fixed Color options in Bpanel
2016.12.01 – version 1.2
* WordPress 4.6.1 compatible * Woocommerce coupon code update css issue fixed * Global page layout option updated * Mailchimp updated to latest api 3.0 * Updated to latest version of all third party plugins * Social share links alignment issue fixed * Font awesome css updated * SSL compatible updated * WPML page builder issue fixed * Dummy data content optimized * Unyson importer plugin support
2016.07.02 – version 1.1
* WordPress 4.5.3 compatible * Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.4 included * LayerSlider WP 5.6.9 included * Slider Revolution 5.2.6 included * WooCommerce 2.6.2 compatible
2016.06.14 – version 1.0
* First release!
Paint – Painting Company WordPress Theme demo is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.
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