Fabello Regular hand lettered Font Family Free Download

About the Fabello Regular hand lettered Font

THE FONT STORY // The Fabello handmade font was created to embody my recent design work and lettering style, The font creates a timeless feel while tipping its cap to the past with its vintage-inspired lines, The crisp lines will fool you but zoom in and you get a nice organic wave, USE FOR THIS FONT // With its bold feel and touch of organic, this font is meant to be versatile

Fabello Regular hand lettered Font

Fabello Regular hand lettered Font

It is perfect for all projects that need anything from a naturally bold or a simple thin style, I recommend medium spacing to let the individual letters do their thing while also working well as a whole, Adjust and play around with it to get it just where you like it!ABOUT MY FONTS // All fonts are originally created by hand

Fabello Regular hand lettered Font

Fabello Regular hand lettered Font

This one was made with a micron pen, I believe strongly in the handmade design process, It brings a truly unique end result to the table, After the handmade process is complete, the font is scanned in, converted to vector, and made into a working typeface thanks to Fontself

With your purchase, you will receive the OTF Files in 5 Weights: Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, & Black with the included characters:Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Àà Áá Ââ Ää Ææ Ãã Åå Āā Ăă Ąą Çç Ćć Čč Ďď Đđ Èè Éé Êê Ëë Ēē Ėė Ęę Ěě Ğğ Ģģ Îî Ïï Íí Īī Įį Ìì İ Ķķ Ĺĺ Ľľ Ļļ Ññ Ńń Ňň Ņņ Ôô Öö Òò Óó Œœ Øø Ōō Õõ Őő Ŕŕ Řř Ŗŗ Śś Šš Şş Șș ß Ťť Țț Ûû Üü Ùù Úú Ūū Űű Ųų Ůů Ÿÿ Ýý Žž Źź Żż 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @:

!?()[]{}-+*,;~$%&|=—–_^£€“”`’`/#`¹²³ªº¢•¥…§¡¿«»©®×° Refer to images for the full list, To purchase the full Fabello font family (5 regular and 5 italic styles altogether), click here: https://creativemarket, com/brittfabello/3364032-Fabello-Family-hand-lettered-font

The Italic version of Fabello can be found sold separately here: https://creativemarket, com/brittfabello/3363998-Fabello-Italic-hand-lettered-fontFor licensing information please visit, https://creativemarket, com/licensesIf you are in need of a commercial or custom license, please get in touch!Most importantly—ENJOY!

Fabello Regular hand lettered Font demo is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.

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