About the Dani – A Storming Portfolio & Shop WordPress Theme
3.2 (August 3, 2016) – Fixed bug in IE11 Version 1.3.1 (July 22, 2016) – Added fullscreen image option – Added lightbox feature – Fixed bug in portfolio grid Version 1.3 (July 18, 2016) – New Revolution Slider added – Added custom font files – Improved mobile menuIntroducing Dani, the stunning portfolio theme that will take your website to the next.
Level! With its smooth and creative visual experience, Dani will ecstasize you with its simplicity and give you the power to create a professional site in no time. Your visitors will love the Valid HTML (w3c) WooCommerce, custom fonts (Typekit / custom.
Font files / google fonts), responsive design for all html pages, background video (youtube,vimeo + html5), retina ready, 7 single portfolio layouts, Revolution Slider (included), parallax background image, Google Fonts, font icons, sortable portfolio,.
Multiple header & menu options, masonry portfolio listing, contact page, smart scroll portfolio grid, video / audio support, ajax contact form, service page, lightbox included, carousel & slider option, about page, cross browser optimization,.
Mobile menu, smooth user experience, Google map and widget area. Unlock the power of Dani today!.
A storming & clean Portfolio theme
Dani is the tempalte you were waiting for. It is the perfect way to showcase your portfolio with a smooth and creative visual experience. The simplicity of Dani will ecstasize you and it gives you the possibility to finish your site in short period of time. Your visitors will love it.
Key Features
- Valid HTML (w3c)
- WooCommerce
- Custom fonts (Typekit / custom font files / google fonts)
- Responsive Design for all html pages
- Background Video (youtube,vimeo + html5)
- Retina ready
- 7 Single Portfolio layouts
- Revolution Slider (included)
- Parallax Background Image
- Google Fonts
- Font Icons
- Sortable Portfolio
- Well organised css
- Multiple header & menu options
- Masonry Portfolio listing
- Contact page
- Smart Scroll Portfolio grid
- Video / Audio support
- Ajax Contact Form
- Service Page
- Lighbox included
- Carousel & Slider option
- About Page
- Cross Browser optimation
- Mobile Menu
- Smooth User Experience
- Google map
- Well documented
- Widget area
- Premium Support
Images / Video Credits
- Unsplash
- Eliana Dedda
- Bunch Design
- Apofenia
- Olivia Chan
- Just White
- Geoffrey Mark Taylor
- Maxim Quoilin
- Yuta Takahashi
- Izvorka Juric
- Mario Manuel
- Sindre Klepp
- Dan Taylr
- Blond
- Dóra Medveczky
- Vifa
- The Noise
- Ross Gardam
Version 1.8.5
* FIX: js error .live * UPD: woocommerce templates * UPD: revolution slider
Version 1.8.4
* UPD: woocommerce templates * UPD: revolution slider * UPD: wordpress 5.5 compatible
Version 1.8.3
* OPT: pagetitle admin meta appearance * FIX: shop appearance * FIX: <p> tag issue on pagebuilder (dani-core) * UPD: woocommerce templates * UPD: revolution slider * UPD: wordpress 5.4 compatible * UPD: php 7.3 compatible </p>
Version 1.8
* FIX: password protection styling * FIX: gif for galleries * FIX: font for pagination text not applying * FIX: spacing between classic gallery and image pagination * FIX: paddings for single on mobile * FIX: column spacings * FIX: PHP 7.2 compatible * OPTIMIZE: parallax workarounds for spacings * OPTIMIZE: video bg sound for new browser policy * UPDATE: pagebuilder update * UPDATE: woocommerce templates * NEW: Ready for Gutenberg / WordPress 5.0
Version 1.7.2
* FIX: Pagebuilder compatibility with WP 4.9
Version 1.7.1
* FIX: woo issue on my account page * FIX: bg video on revolution slider (disable fitvids) * FIX: woo issue when filling out infos on checkout * FIX: shop query pagebuilder
Version 1.7
* NEW: play/pause for video background * NEW: tags for blog posts * NEW: different grid spacing for portfolio grid * FIX: top margin for side single portfolio on mobile devices * FIX: Image pagination * FIX: Blog page builder element „filter by category“ * FIX: Responsive font sizes for headers with classes * FIX: polylang error message * FIX: multiple google maps * OPTIMIZE: mute bg sound when opening lightbox video * OPTIMIZE: visual composer compatible (not included) * UPDATE: woocomemrce templates * UPDATE: revolution slider
Version 1.6
* NEW: WPML Support * NEW: Scroll Down Arrow * NEW: gif (second image) hover option for portfolio * NEW: Pagebuilder preview for text element (backend) * NEW: Big wrapper (1660px) for header option * NEW: separate gallery light boxes * NEW: inline video Lightbox option * FIX: isotope/smartscroll images 100% width * FIX: video hover if load more * FIX: loading icon for lightbox * FIX: logo height safari * FIX: Portfolio side layout if description not sticky (.col-not-sticky)
Version 1.5
* NEW: Clone feature for page builder * NEW: show / hide category for blog posts * NEW: 5 columns for shop grid page builder * OPTIMIZE: menu size for mobile devices * OPTIMIZE: page builder drag & drop * FIX: custom logo height on mobile * FIX: vertical logo max height for preloaded * FIX: deprecated message for widgets (php7) * FIX: cart icon appearance on dark skin * FIX: hide load more button when smart scroll is selected * FIX: blog post date format * FIX: wrap filter if grid width setting is fullwidth * FIX: blockquote anchor not underlined * FIX: smart scroll rotate screen (iPad) * UPDATE: revolution Slider
Version 1.4.1
* OPTIMIZE: Pagebuilder Column Choice edit * OPTIMIZE: header-spacer for mobile devices * OPTIMIZE: font settings for menu items on mobile * FIX: Cart Icon center if custom height logo * FIX: Submenu line height fix if custom height logo * FIX: underline menu if custom height logo * FIX: Shop gallery grid for mobiles * FIX: Footer bottom center * FIX: Pagetitle bug if woo commerce installed * FIX: Light logo Position on mobi
Version 1.4
* NEW: WooCommerce Support * NEW: Shop Demo * NEW: big wrapper option for title content width * OPTIMIZE: wrap menu toggle to menu-actions (header + style + script) * OPTIMIZE: menu slide when menu is open * OPTIMIZE: hide alt text for page loader logo (css) * FIX: Submenu font theme options * FIX: hover color for submenu * FIX: social shortcode padding and underline
Version 1.3
* NEW: Dark Appearance * NEW: Menu color (dark or light) * NEW: Caption option for lightbox images * NEW: Custom logo for preloaded screen * OPTIMIZE: center logo on loading screen * OPTIMIZE: back to top arrow * OPTIMIZE: minor css optimizations * OPTIMIZE: Add social meta (go) for all pages * FIX: Page Pagination for Blog Page * FIX: Font manager (saving issue) * FIX: line height for image pagination next/project * FIX: background image for image pagination * FIX: classic menu light on mobile * FIX: single pagination * FIX: team member website url
Version 1.2
* NEW: Architecture Demo * NEW: Typekit & Custom fonts integration * NEW: custom logo height for mobile devices * NEW: Image option for Portfolio single pagination * NEW: Underline hover option for main menu * NEW: Footer width option * NEW: customize option for column row * NEW: spacing option for column row * NEW: Wrapper big option * NEW: List style for social media shortcode * NEW: Show / Hide option for footer * NEW: Custom typography option for widget titles * NEW: Button with arrows shortcake option * OPTIMIZE: align side portfolio to header * OPTIMIZE: share text option * OPTIMIZE: position of backtoworks (css) * OPTIMIZE: quotes for block quotes different font (css) * OPTIMIZE: make toggle fixed if header is not-fixed (css+js) * FIX: font for social media text style from body (custom style) * FIX: horizontal scroll on mobiles (mquerries) * FIX: fifth column issue
Version 1.1
*NEW: Pagination Option for portfolio *NEW: Load More Option for portfolio *NEW: Infinity Load Option for portfolio *NEW: portfolio category url with hashtag *NEW: Retina support for google map pin *NEW: Back to top *NEW: Logo Height option *NEW: Video Tutorials *OPTIMIZE: menu position *FIX: pointer-event when menu is open *FIX: single pagination vertical center fix *FIX: Minor bugfixes
Version 1.0
* Release
Dani – A Storming Portfolio & Shop WordPress Theme demo is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.
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