Adorkable A Handwritten Serif Font Family Free Download

About the Adorkable A Handwritten Serif Font

MIX ADORKABLE, is a simply adorable handwritten serif. This was written on an iPad using the Monoline procreate brush from this bundle.

Mix Adorkable contains alternates for certain letters, using a heart in lieu of dots or circles.

Mix Adorkable Love is the same font using the heart-glyphs as defaults—for those who can’t access alternates.

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  • A Zipped File of the Font (OTF and/or TTF)

Includes the following characters:

  • abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  • 0123456789 !@$#%^&*()`~♥❤•
  • ÷×+=[]:;'”,.|/?{}“”‘’-–—_…©®™«»°²³¡¿₱¢€£¥½¼¾¶§№
  • áàâäãåăāąæćčçðéèêëėēęíìîïīįłńñóòôöõøōőœśšșțúùûüűūųýÿźžżþß
  • alternates for: Oijo!%•:;.¡¿…

Adorkable A Handwritten Serif Font demo is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.

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