Introducing the new Aurelly Signature font is a feminine type Handwritten with a monoline script texture that you can use to perfect your design.
Aurelly has an additional 2 lowercase types, you can change it as you wish to create a brand, logo, and whatever you want.
You can also add font combinations with your PC’s default serif types such as BELL MT and BASKERVILLE OLD FACE to add an elegant feel to the aurelly font.
Aurelly also provides 87 types of Ligature that you can use to add design/beauty words that you make and some swash that you can use to add beauty to your writing.
Files included:
- Aurelly Signature.ttf
- Aurelly Signature.otf
- Aurelly Signature Slant.ttf
- Aurelly Signature Slant.otf
- Aurelly Signature ALT.ttf
- Aurelly Signature ALT.otf
- Aurelly Signature ALT Slant.ttf
- Aurelly Signature ALT Slant.otf
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.