Funky Signature is a handwritten signature script with a natural flow in the 80s style, perfect for personal branding, red wine labels, vodka labels, packaging, stationery, invitations, business cards, movie cover, and advertising.
Funky Signature is equipped with many additional features that allow you to customize your text.
You will get a complete set of uppercase and lowercase, multilingual, punctuation, ligatures, stylistic alternates a-z, hand-drawn extras that you can match to create logos and contextual alternates that give you experience like the original writing.
Everything can be accessed using software that supports Opentype, such as Adobe Indesign, Adobe CS Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop CC, and Corel Draw.
You will get:
- Funky Signature OTF
- Funky Signature TTF
- Funky Signature WOFF
- Funky Signature Extras OTF
- Funky Signature Extras TTF
- Funky Signature Extras EPS
This font is a demo version font and does not contain all glyphs, and may only be used for personal use.
For the full version and license, you can buy it at or
This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!.